Employee Handbook

Table of Contents     


               Welcome Letter

               Introductory Statement

               History of D&D Decorators

Employment at Will

Equal Opportunity and Commitment to Diversity     

                Equal Employment Opportunity

                Immigration Law Compliance

                Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Reasonable Accommodations

                Commitment to Diversity

                Equal Pay for Equal Work Act (EPEWA)

                Harassment and Complaint Procedure

Conflicts of Interest and Confidentiality     

                Conflicts of Interest

                Confidential Information

Employment Relationship     

            Customer and Employee Relations

Employment Classification

Employee Conduct

Work Etiquette and Rules     

            Work Week and Hours of Work

            Meal and Rest Breaks

Time Records


           Deductions from Pay/Safe Harbor


Access to Personnel Files

Employment Termination

Separation from Employment

Return of Property

Workplace Safety     

          Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Workplace

          Smoke-Free Workplace

          Workplace Violence Prevention

           Commitment to Safety

           Reporting Injuries and Accidents

           Energy Preservation & Waste Prevention

           Hazardous Wastes


           Emergency Closings

           Use of D&D Decorators Equipment and Vehicles

           Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Inquiry

          Visitors in the Workplace

Workplace Guidelines     

           Employment Applications

           Employee Medical Examinations

           Continuous Service Date

            Job Description

            Pay-Rate Schedule (Non-Exempt Employees)     

            Personal Tools

Personnel Data Changes

Introductory Period   


Time Off and Leaves of Absence     

Family/Medical Leave

Military Leave

Jury Duty/Court Appearance

Time Off for Voting

Family Emergencies



            Report-In Pay

            Job Performance

            Outside Employment

            Uniforms and Personal Appearance

               Social Media Acceptable Use

               Bulletin Boards


               Computers, Internet, Email, and Other Resources

               Cell Phone Policy

               Disciplinary Procedure

                Dispute Resolution

               Salary Administration

Transfer of Employees

               Travel Expenses

               Pay Advances

Employee Benefits     

          Employee Benefits



        Bereavement Leave

         Simple IRA Retirement Plan

Workers’ Compensation

Employee Apprenticeship/Training Program

Welcome to D&D Decorators!     

We believe in keeping employees fully informed about our policies, procedures, practices, benefits, what employees can expect from D&D Decorators, and the obligations assumed as an employee of D&D Decorators, Inc. This practice is designed to provide fair treatment of employees. All employees are expected to become familiar with the policies, procedures, practices, and benefits of D&D Decorators, Inc. This handbook is intended to provide employees with basic information. The policies and practices described in this handbook reflect a great deal of concern for the people who make it possible for D&D Decorators, Inc. to exist… its employees.      

Because D&D Decorators, Inc. is a growing, changing organization, it reserves full discretion to add to, modify, or delete provisions of this handbook at any time without advance notice. For this reason, employees should check with our office manager to obtain current information regarding the status of any particular policy, procedure or practice. No individual other than the president of D&D Decorators, Inc. has the authority to enter into an employment agreement that modifies D&D Decorators policy. Any such modification must be in writing and must be signed by the President of D&D Decorators, Inc.     

D&D Decorators, Inc. pledges to its employees that as long as the affairs of this D&D   

Decorators are in our hands, the following principles will govern our actions with employees.     

D&D Decorators, Inc. employees and their welfare are very important to the success of D&D Decorators. Our long-range objective is the continuous development of a growing and prospering business through which both the employees and D&D Decorators will benefit. Every employee is considered a member of our team. D&D Decorators success is built on the recognition of the skills and efforts made by our employees. It is our policy to work with all members of our team in a fair and friendly manner and to treat each team member with dignity and respect.     

The management of D&D Decorators, Inc. will work continually for the benefit of our present and prospective customers as well as our employees to improve the competitive position of our company. This will enable us to provide excellent jobs for our team members.      

General conditions such as safety, cleanliness, and employee accommodations will be evaluated periodically for possible improvement and will always compare favorably with good industry practice. We will be pleased to meet with any employee to discuss suggested improvements in working conditions. We will devote our best effort to conducting and expanding business within which will prevail an atmosphere of harmony with opportunity for all employees of D&D Decorators, Inc.      

Our Best,     

Walt & Tina Dykes     

Introductory Statement     

    This employee handbook will give you important information about working at D&D Decorators. The policies in the handbook explain many of the benefits of working here. The handbook also explains what we expect of you and tells about many of our rules.     

However, this employee handbook cannot cover every situation or answer every question about policies and benefits at D&D Decorators. Also, sometimes we may need to change the handbook. D&D Decorators has the right to add new policies, change policies, or cancel policies at any time.     

Nothing contained in this handbook is intended to create (nor shall be construed as creating) a contract of employment (express or implied) or guarantee employment for any term or for any specific procedures. There is no contract of employment between D&D Decorators, Inc. and any one or all of its employees. Any employee cannot guarantee employment security for or by any employee.     

History of D&D Decorators, Inc.     

    D&D Decorators, Inc. opened for business in October of 1986. Our services included carpentry, roofing, and painting. It started with one truck, one employee and a few tools. In early 1987, D&D Decorators expanded to include several employees and we streamlined our services to include only residential and commercial painting and wallpaper hanging. By 1988, we increased our staff to approximately ten employees and was on our way to becoming a major competitor in the Glynn County area.     

By 1992, we had increased our staff to twenty employees and were in fact a major competitor in our industry. In 1997, we increased our service area to include northeast Florida and southeast Georgia. We increased to about twenty-five employees. We currently employ about 50 painters and are the largest painting contractor in Glynn County.      

    As you can see, we have had continuous growth since the birth of our company. We expect this trend to continue. If this holds true, there will be many opportunities for advancement of our employees, which is our #1 priority.      

Employment at Will     

Employment at D&D Decorators, Inc. is on an at-will basis unless otherwise stated in a written individual employment agreement signed by the President of D&D Decorators.     

This means that either the employee or D&D Decorators may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.     

Nothing in this employee handbook is intended to or creates an employment agreement, express or implied. Nothing contained in this or any other document provided to the employee is intended to be, nor should it be, construed as a contract that employment or any benefit will be continued for any period of time. In addition, no D&D Decorators representative is authorized to modify this policy for any employee or to enter into any agreement, oral or written, that changes the at will relationship.      

Any salary figures provided to an employee in annual or monthly terms are stated for the sake of convenience or to facilitate comparisons and are not intended and do not create an employment contract for any specific period of time.     

Nothing in this statement is intended to interfere with, restrain, or prevent concerted activity as protected by the National Labor Relations Act. Such activity includes employee communications regarding wages, hours, or other terms or conditions of employment. D&D Decorators, Inc. employees have the right to engage in or refrain from such activities.     

Equal Employment Opportunity     

To give equal employment and advancement opportunities to all people, we make employment decisions at D&D Decorators based on each person’s performance, qualifications, and abilities. D&D Decorators does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or any other characteristic protected by law. Our Equal Employment Opportunity policy covers all employment practices, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.      

If you have a question about any type of discrimination at work, talk with your immediate supervisor or the President of D&D Decorators. You will not be punished for asking questions about this. Also, if we find out that anyone was illegally discriminating, that person will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.     

Immigration Law Compliance     

D&D Decorators is committed to employing only people who are United States citizens or who are aliens legally authorized to work in the United States. We do not illegally discriminate because of a person’s citizenship or national origin.     

Because we comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, every new employee at D&D Decorators is required to complete the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 and show documents that prove identity and employment eligibility.     

If you leave D&D Decorators and are rehired, you must complete another Form I-9 if the previous I-9 with D&D Decorators is more than three years old, or if the original I-9 is not accurate anymore, or if we no longer have the original I-9.     

If you have questions or want information on the immigration laws, contact the office manager. If you ask questions or want to complain about the immigration law, you will not be punished in any way.     

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Reasonable Accommodation     

Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits discrimination in any terms or conditions of employment for qualified individuals with a disability. The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that employment decisions be based on the ability of a person to perform the essential functions of a job and not the persons disability or limitations. Furthermore, it requires management to reasonably accommodate individuals with disabilities when necessary. To comply with the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, D&D  

Decorators, Inc. will: Identify the essential functions of a job; Determine whether a person with a disability, with or without accommodation, is qualified to perform the duties and; Determine whether a reasonable accommodation can be made for a qualified individual.      

Commitment to Diversity     

D&D Decorators, Inc. is committed to creating and maintaining a workplace in which all employees have an opportunity to participate and contribute to the success of the business and are valued for their skills, experience, and unique perspectives. This commitment is embodied in  D&D Decorators policy and the way we do business at D&D Decorators, Inc. and is an important principle of sound business management.     

Equal Pay for Equal Work Act (EPEWA)     

    It is against D&D Decorators, Inc. policy to discriminate between employees on the basis of sex by paying wages at a rate less than the rate paid to the opposite sex, EXCEPT WHERE     


  1. A seniority system;     
  1. A merit system;     
  1. A system which measures earnings by quantity or quality of production, or     
  1. A differential based on any other factor other than SEX: Provided, that an employer who is paying a wage rate differential in violation of this subsection shall not, in order to comply with the provisions of this subsection, reduce the wage rate of any employee.     

Harassment and Complaint Procedure     

Sexual and other unlawful harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), as amended, as well as many state laws. Harassment based on a characteristic protected by law, such as race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, religion, age, disability, veteran status, or other characteristic protected by state or federal law, is prohibited.     

It is D&D Decorators, Inc.’s policy to provide a work environment free of sexual and other harassment. To that end, harassment of D&D Decorators, Inc.’s employees by management, supervisors, coworkers, or nonemployees who are in the workplace is absolutely prohibited. Further, any retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual or other harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a harassment complaint is similarly unlawful and will not be tolerated. D&D Decorators, Inc. will take all steps necessary to prevent and eliminate unlawful harassment.     

Definition of Unlawful Harassment. “Unlawful harassment” is conduct that has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment; has the purpose or effect of substantially and unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities because of the individual’s membership in a protected class.     

Unlawful harassment includes, but is not limited to, epithets; slurs; jokes; pranks; innuendo; comments; written or graphic material; stereotyping; or other threatening, hostile, or intimidating acts based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, gender, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, age, disability, veteran status, or other characteristic protected by state or federal law.     

Definition of Sexual Harassment.  While all forms of harassment are prohibited, special attention should be paid to sexual harassment. “Sexual harassment” is generally defined under both state and federal law as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:     

  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of any individual’s employment or as a basis for employment decisions; or     
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.     

Other sexually oriented conduct, whether intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating a work environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating to workers may also constitute sexual harassment.     

While it is not possible to list all those additional circumstances that may constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples of conduct that, if unwelcome, may constitute sexual harassment depending on the totality of the circumstances, including the severity of the conduct and its pervasiveness:     

  • Unwanted sexual advances, whether they involve physical touching or not;     
  • Sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life, comments about an individual’s body, comments about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess;     
  • Displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or cartoons;     
  • Unwelcome leering, whistling, brushing up against the body, sexual gestures, or suggestive or insulting comments;  •  Inquiries into one’s sexual experiences; and     
  • Discussion of one’s sexual activities.     

All employees should take special note that, as stated above, retaliation against an individual who has complained about sexual harassment and retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of sexual harassment complaint is unlawful and will not be tolerated at D&D Decorators, Inc.     

Complaint Procedure     

Any employee who believes he or she has been subject to or witnessed illegal discrimination, including sexual or other forms of unlawful harassment, is requested and encouraged to make a complaint. You may complain directly to your immediate supervisor or the President or any other member of management with whom you feel comfortable bringing such a complaint. Similarly, if you observe acts of discrimination toward or harassment of another employee, you are requested and encouraged to report this to one of the individuals listed above.     

No reprisal, retaliation, or other adverse action will be taken against an employee for making a complaint or report of discrimination or harassment or for assisting in the investigation of any such complaint or report. Any suspected retaliation or intimidation should be reported immediately to one of the persons identified above.     

All complaints will be investigated promptly and, to the extent possible, with regard for confidentiality. If the investigation confirms conduct contrary to this policy has occurred, D&D Decorators, Inc. will take immediate, appropriate, corrective action, including discipline, up to and including immediate termination.     

Conflicts of Interest     

D&D Decorators, Inc. expects all employees to conduct themselves and D&D Decorators business in a manner that reflects the highest standards of ethical conduct, and in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. This includes avoiding real and potential conflicts of interests.     

Exactly what constitutes a conflict of interest or an unethical business practice is both a moral and a legal question. D&D Decorators, Inc. recognizes and respects the individual employee’s right to engage in activities outside of employment which are private in nature and do not in any way conflict with or reflect poorly on D&D Decorators.      

It is not possible to define all the circumstances and relationships that might create a conflict of interest. If a situation arises where there is a potential conflict of interest, the employee should discuss this with the President for advice and guidance on how to proceed. The list below suggests some of the types of activity that indicate improper behavior, unacceptable personal integrity, or unacceptable ethics:     

  1. Simultaneous employment by another firm that is a competitor of or supplier to D&D Decorators, Inc.     
  1. Carrying on D&D Decorators business with a firm in which the employee, or a close relative of the employee, has a substantial ownership or interest.     
  1. Holding a substantial interest in, or participating in the management of, a firm to which D&D Decorators makes sales or from which it makes purchases.     
  1. Borrowing money from customers or firms, other than recognized loan institutions, from which D&D Decorators buys services, materials, equipment, or supplies.     
  1. Accepting substantial gifts or excessive entertainment from an outside organization or agency.     
  1. Speculating or dealing in materials, equipment, supplies, services, or property purchased by D&D Decorators.     
  1. Participating in civic or professional organization activities in a manner that divulges confidential D&D Decorators information.     
  1. Misusing privileged information or revealing confidential data to outsiders.     
  1. Using one’s position in D&D Decorators or knowledge of its affairs for personal gains.     
  1. Engaging in practices or procedures that violate antitrust laws, commercial bribery laws, copyright laws, discrimination laws, campaign contribution laws, or other laws regulating the conduct of D&D Decorators business.     

Confidential Information     

The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to the interests and success of D&D Decorators, Inc. Confidential information is any and all information disclosed to or known by you because of employment with D&D Decorators that is not generally known to people outside D&D Decorators about its business.      

Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:     

  • Operational checklists      
  • Human Resource processes and procedures     
  • Compensation data      
  • Computer processes      
  • Computer programs and codes      
  • Customer lists      
  • Customer preferences      
  • Financial information      
  • Marketing strategies      
  • New materials research      
  • Pending projects and proposals      
  • Proprietary production processes     
  • Training/Apprenticeship Program materials      
  • Estimating Procedures and Pricing     

You may be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of your employment. An employee who improperly uses or discloses trade secrets or confidential business information will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and legal action, even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosed information. All inquiries from the media must be referred to the President. This provision is not intended to, and should not be interpreted to, prohibit employees from discussing wages and other terms and conditions of employment if they so choose.     

Customer and Employee Relations     

Our customers are very important to us. Every employee represents D&D Decorators to customers and the public. Our customers judge all of us by how we treat them. One of the highest priorities at D&D Decorators is to help any customer or potential customer. Nothing is more important than being courteous, friendly, prompt, and helpful to customers, other employees and other trades. We will provide customer relations and services training to all employees who have frequent customer contact. If a customer wants to make a specific comment or a complaint, you should direct the person to a supervisor, estimator, office manager or President for appropriate action. Your contacts with the public, your telephone manners, and any communications you send to customers reflect not just on you but also on the professionalism of D&D Decorators. Good customer relations can build greater customer loyalty and increased profits.     

Our Standards     

•To provide value significantly above the competition through superior customer service, responsible, capable crews, high quality products, innovative techniques, and the constant pursuit of perfection.      

•To provide our employees long term employment with continuous training that will benefit our employees and customers.   •To enjoy the work we perform and the mutual benefits of a job well done.  Starting Right     

•D&D Decorators will project an image of professionalism and order from the first contact through to the project completion.  Prospects and clients will experience a team atmosphere from all members of the staff, and an attitude of genuine caring and interest in their needs, concerns, and dreams for their projects.     

•Our focus is to do things right the first time. We will begin no job until all required components are prepared and job is “ready” to begin.  We will staff each job every day and finish on time. •We will set realistic goals and communicate them to our clients.   We will then exceed expectations with our commitment to superior service.     

•Believing as we do that service and the attainment of worthwhile goals brings true personal fulfillment, our employees are encouraged to participate in our advanced skills program to increase his or her personal and professional development.     

•We will bring our vision to life through the careful implementation of systems at every level of  the business.         

Employee Relations     

We believe that the working conditions, wages, and benefits we offer to D&D Decorators employees are competitive with those offered by other employers in this area and in this industry. If you have concerns about working conditions or compensation, we strongly encourage you to express these concerns openly and directly to your supervisor and/or the President.     

Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly and directly with management, the work environment can be excellent, communications can be clear, and attitudes can be positive. We believe that D&D Decorators fully demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding effectively to employee concerns.      

Employment Classification     

In order to determine eligibility for benefits and overtime status and to ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, D&D Decorators, Inc. classifies its employees as shown below. D&D Decorators, Inc. may review or change employee classifications at any time.     

Exempt. Exempt employees are paid on a salaried basis and are not eligible to receive overtime pay.     

Nonexempt. Nonexempt employees are paid on an hourly basis and are eligible to receive overtime pay for overtime hours worked.     

Regular, Full-Time. Employees who are not in a temporary status and work a minimum of 30 hours weekly and maintain continuous employment status. Generally, these employees are eligible for the full-time benefits package and are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefits program.      

Regular, Part-Time. Employees who are not in a temporary status and who are regularly scheduled to work fewer than 30 hours weekly, but at least 20 hours weekly, and who maintain continuous employment status. Part-time employees are not eligible for the benefits offered by D&D Decorators.      

Temporary, Full-Time. Employees who are hired as interim replacements to temporarily supplement the workforce or to assist in the completion of a specific project and who are temporarily scheduled to work D&D Decorators’ full-time schedule for a limited duration. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status.     

Temporary, Part-Time. Employees who are hired as interim replacements to temporarily supplement the workforce or to assist in the completion of a specific project and who are temporarily scheduled to work fewer than 30 hours weekly for a limited duration.     

Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status.     

Employee Conduct and Work Rules     

We expect you to follow certain work rules and conduct yourself in ways that protect the interests and safety of all employees and D&D Decorators. Improper conduct by and between employees and/or by and between employees and business associates on D&D Decorators’ premises or adversely affecting D&D Decorators work will not be tolerated. Any employee demonstrating improper conduct will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.      

While it is impossible to list every action that is unacceptable conduct, the following lists some examples. Employees who break work rules such as these may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment:    * Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of property      

  • Falsification of timekeeping records, accident reports, benefit claims, communication or production records.     
  • Concealing defective work     
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs      
  • Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace,  while on duty, or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment      
  • Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace    * Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace      
  • Gross insubordination – a willful and deliberate refusal to follow reasonable orders by a member of management.     
  • Negative attitude / Lack of courtesy that affects other team members of D&D Decorators and/or disrespectful conduct towards co-workers or management.      
  • Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of employer-owned or customer-owned property.     
  • Not following a reasonable order or failure to perform work assigned or to comply with work and safety rules.     
  • Violation of safety or health rules      
  • Smoking in prohibited areas      
  • Speeding or reckless driving or unauthorized use of D&D Decorators vehicles.      
  • Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment      
  • Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials, such as explosives or firearms, in the workplace      
  • Not completing assignment up to the quality or timeframe advised by D&D Decorators.      
  • Failure to report personal injury resulting from an on-the-job work situation.      
  • Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice      
  • Unauthorized absence from work station during the workday      
  • Unauthorized use of telephones, mail system, or other employer-owned equipment      
  • Unauthorized disclosure of business “secrets” or confidential information      
  • Violation of personnel policies      
  • Unsatisfactory performance or conduct   
  • Use of cell phones for personal use any other time than break or lunch      

Since your employment with D&D Decorators is voluntary and at will, you may terminate your employment at any time you want, with or without cause or advanced notice.   

Likewise, D&D Decorators may terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advanced notice.     

Workplace Etiquette     

D&D Decorators can be a better place to work when all employees show respect and courtesy to each other. Sometimes there are problems when employees do not realize that they are bothering or annoying other people. If this happens to you, you should first try to solve the problem by politely telling your co-worker what is bothering you.     

In most cases, if you use common sense, the problem can be fixed. We encourage you to keep an open mind. If another employee tells you about something that you are doing that makes it hard for that person to work, try to understand the other person’s point of view.     

The following are some guidelines and suggestions for how to be considerate of others at work. You will not necessarily be disciplined if you do not follow these suggestions, but the guidelines will help you get along with others. If you have comments or suggestions about workplace etiquette, contact your supervisor or the President.     

  • Try to minimize unscheduled interruptions of other employees while they are working.    * Be conscious of how your voice travels, and try to lower the volume of your voice when talking on the phone or to others in open areas.      
  • Keep socializing to a minimum, and try to conduct conversations in areas where the noise will not be distracting to others.      
  • Refrain from using inappropriate language (swearing) that others may overhear.    * Avoid discussions of your personal life/issues in public conversations that can be easily overheard.      
  • Monitor the volume when listening to music, voice mail, or a speakerphone that others can hear.      
  • Clean up after yourself and do not leave behind waste or discarded papers.      

Work Week and Hours of Work     

The standard work schedule for employees of D&D Decorators is Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. with a 30-minute lunch break. Individual work schedules may vary depending on the needs of each department.      

Our staffing needs and work demands may require that we change the starting and ending times of work schedules. We may also need to change the number of work hours that are scheduled each day and week. We may also need to change the days of the week and/or hours worked per day.      

Meal and Rest Breaks     

Employees are entitled to a 30-minute unpaid meal break each day. If a nonexempt employee is required to work through a meal break, he or she will be paid for the 30-minute period. Employees are also entitled to two 10-minute rest periods each day. Meal is 12:00 p.m. until 12:30 p.m. Breaks are held from 10:00 a.m. until 10:10 a.m. and again at 3:00 p.m. until  

3:10 p.m. Authorization to work through lunch must be acquired prior to lunch time by calling the President.     

Time Records      

All nonexempt employees are required to complete accurate weekly time reports showing all time actually worked. These records are required by governmental regulations and are used to calculate regular and overtime pay. Foremen and crew leaders will maintain time records for those employees working under him/her. Employees are responsible for making sure their time is recorded on a job report if no job name is available on the app. If an employee has a question concerning his/her time, he/she should discuss the matter with his/her field supervisor, and if necessary, the Payroll Department. We encourage each employee to keep a personal journal of their time worked. Each employee is required to use the app in accordance with the training provided. Not using the app is not an option. Failure to use the app as directed could result in disciplinary action up to termination.       


When required due to the needs of the business, you may be asked to work overtime. Overtime is actual hours worked in excess of 40 in a single workweek.  Nonexempt employees will be paid overtime compensation at the rate of one and one half their regular rate of pay for all hours over 40 actually worked in a single workweek. Paid leave, such as holiday, PTO, vacation, bereavement time, and jury duty does not apply toward work time. All overtime work must be approved in advance by a supervisor or manager.      

Deductions from Pay/Safe Harbor Exempt Employees     

Laws require D&D Decorators to take deductions from your pay. Deductions are money taken from your pay for certain things such as federal, state, and local taxes. The law also requires us to deduct Social Security taxes from your pay. We must deduct up to a certain amount called the Social Security “wage base.” We also contribute to your Social Security. We pay the same amount of Social Security tax to the government as we deduct from your pay.      

D&D Decorators also offers programs and benefits to eligible employees that are not required by law. You may ask us to deduct money from your pay to cover your payment for these programs.      

We may have to take a “pay setoff” from your paycheck. Pay setoffs mean that D&D Decorators must deduct money from your paycheck to pay off a debt you owe us or someone else.  If you want to know why money was deducted from your paycheck or how your pay is calculated, see the Payroll Administrator.     

D&D Decorators does not make improper deductions from the salaries of exempt employees and complies with the salary basis requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act   

(FLSA). Employees classified as exempt from the overtime pay requirements of the FLSA will be notified of this classification at the time of hire or change in position.      

Permitted deductions. The FLSA limits the types of deductions that may be made from the pay of an exempt employee.  Deductions that are permitted include:     

  • Deductions that are required by law, e.g., income taxes; garnishments, etc.     
  • Deductions for employee benefits when authorized by the employee;     
  • Absence from work;        
  • Offset for amounts received as witness or jury fees, or for military pay; or       
  • Unpaid disciplinary suspensions imposed in good faith for workplace conduct rule infractions.       
  • Advanced pay or debt to the company.   

During the week an exempt employee begins work for D&D Decorators or during the last week of employment, the employee will only be paid for actual hours worked. In addition, an employee may be paid only for hours worked during a period when the employee is using unpaid leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).      

Improper deductions. If an employee classified as exempt believes that an improper deduction has been taken from his or her pay, the employee should immediately report the deduction to the Payroll Administrator. The report will be promptly investigated and if it is found that an improper deduction has been made, D&D Decorators will reimburse the employee for the improper deduction.     


D&D Decorators, Inc.’s pay period for all employees is weekly at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday.    

    If an employee is absent on payday and instructs a third party to pick up his/her check, a note signed by the employee authorizing the third party to receive his/her check must be provided before the check can be released. The third party must show proper identification and sign for the check. This policy is for the protection of D&D Decorators, Inc. and its employees.     

Access to Personnel Files     

Employee files are maintained by the office manager and staff and are considered confidential. Personnel files include the job applications and related hiring documents, training records, performance documentation, salary history, and other employment records. Managers and supervisors may only have access to personnel file information on a need to-know basis. Personnel file access by current employees and former employees upon request will generally be permitted within 3 days of the request unless otherwise required under state law. Personnel files are to be reviewed in the Front Office. Information regarding the medical condition or history of an employee will be kept in a separate file with restricted access. Employee files may not be taken outside the department. Representatives of government or law enforcement agencies, in the course of their duties, may be allowed access to file information.     

Employment of Relatives and Domestic Partners     

Relatives and domestic partners may be hired by D&D Decorators if (1) the persons concerned will not work in a direct supervisory relationship, and (2) the employment will not pose difficulties for supervision, security, safety, or morale. However, the President of D&D Decorators, Inc. reserves the right to waive this policy in favor of employing close relatives within the organization. For the purposes of this policy, “relatives” are defined as spouses, children, siblings, parents, or grandparents. A “domestic partnership” is generally defined as a committed relationship between two individuals who are sharing a home or living arrangements.      

Current employees who marry each other or become involved in a domestic partnership will be permitted to continue employment with D&D Decorators provided they don’t work in a  direct supervisory relationship with each other or otherwise pose difficulties as mentioned above. If employees who marry or live together do work in a direct supervisory relationship with each other, D&D Decorators will attempt to reassign one of the employees to another position for which he or she is qualified if such a position is available. If no such position is available, the employees will be permitted to determine which one of them will resign from D&D Decorators.       

Employment Termination     

There can be many reasons why employment may terminate. The following are some of the most common reasons for termination of employment:     

  • Resignation – voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee.      
  • Discharge – involuntary employment termination initiated by the organization.      
  • Layoff – involuntary employment termination initiated by the organization for non-disciplinary reasons.      
  • Retirement – voluntary employment termination initiated by the employee meeting age, length of service, and any other criteria for retirement from the organization.      

Your employment with D&D Decorators is voluntary and at will. You may terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, D&D Decorators may terminate your employment at any time, with or without cause or advance notice.     

An employee planning to leave D&D Decorators will be asked to participate in an exit interview. In addition to discussing his/her decision to leave D&D Decorators with the immediate supervisor, the office manager will meet with the employee prior to termination. At that time, final pay and any other issues will be discussed.     

D&D Decorators will determine if the terminating employee has any outstanding debt owed to D&D Decorators and in his/her possession any D&D Decorators credit cards, tools, keys, safety equipment, manuals, vehicles, ID cards/badges or other D&D Decorators property. Any employee terminating employment is expected to voluntarily return any D&D Decorators property in his/her possession.     

Upon completion of a full accounting of the employee’s and D&D Decorators’ accounts as determined by D&D Decorators, a final pay check for time worked, less deductions, will be issued to the employee on the next regular payday in accordance with all applicable state and federal laws. D&D Decorators will issue a check designated as final payment for all services rendered. The final check will not reflect any time not actually worked except for employees with unused, earned vacation time. Unused, earned vacation pay will be included on the employee’s check.       

Separation from Employment     

In all cases of voluntary resignation (one initiated by the employee), employees are asked to provide a written notice to their supervisors at least 4 working days in advance of the last day of work. The 4 days must be actual working days. Holidays and paid time off (PTO) will not be counted toward the 4-day notice. Employees who provide the requested amount of notice will be considered to have resigned in good standing and generally will be eligible for rehire.      

In most cases, the office manager will conduct an exit meeting on or before the last day of employment to collect all D&D Decorators property, and to discuss final pay. If applicable, information regarding benefits continuation through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget   Reconciliation Act (COBRA) will be sent to the employee’s home address.       

Should it become necessary because of business conditions to reduce the number of employees or work hours, this will be done at the discretion of D&D Decorators.     

In addition, if any misconduct warranting discipline is severe enough, the Supervisor has the authority to discharge the employee immediately. The Supervisor will advise the office manager immediately of the date and reason for terminating an employee.      

All D&D Decorators property in the employee’s possession must be returned to the Administrative Department upon separation from employment before the final paycheck is released.      

Return of Property     

D&D Decorators may loan you items to help you do your job such as:  * Checklists     

  • Telephones/Radios     
  • Client lists     
  • Credit cards     
  • Equipment     
  • Identification badges     
  • Keys     
  • Manuals     
  • Protective equipment     
  • Tools     
  • Uniforms     
  • Vehicles     
  • Written materials     

You are responsible for protecting and controlling any property we loan you. It is your responsibility and duty to return any items checked out of the tool room in your name. If you fail to return them you will be given adequate opportunity to return them. When management deems that you failed to return the item, D&D Decorators will deduct replacement cost from your payroll check. If you stop working at D&D Decorators, you must return all D&D Decorators property immediately. If you do not return our property and if the law allows, we may take money from your regular or final paycheck to cover the cost. We may also take legal action to get back our property.     

Workplace Safety     

Drug-Free and Alcohol-Free Workplace     

D&D Decorators, Inc. is committed to providing a safe work environment and to fostering the well-being and health of its employees. That commitment is jeopardized when any  D&D Decorators, Inc. employee illegally uses drugs on or off the job, comes to work under their influence, possesses, distributes or sells drugs in the workplace, or abuses alcohol on the job.     

Therefore, D&D Decorators, Inc. has established the following policy:     

  1. It is a violation of D&D Decorators policy for any employee to use, possess, sell, trade, offer for sale, or offer to buy illegal drugs or otherwise engage in the illegal use of drugs on or off the job.     
  1. It is a violation of D&D Decorators policy for any employee to report to work under the influence of or while possessing in his or her body, blood, or urine illegal drugs in any detectable amount.     
  1. It is a violation of D&D Decorators policy for any employee to report to work under the influence of or impaired by alcohol.     
  1. It is a violation of D&D Decorators policy for any employee to use prescription drugs illegally, i.e., to use prescription drugs that have not been legally obtained or in a manner or for a purpose other than as prescribed. (Nothing in this policy precludes the appropriate use of legally prescribed medications.) However, if any employee is impaired due to taking prescription medication, he or she is a safety risk to themselves, fellow employees and others. This employee must be removed from the job site immediately.    
  1. Violations of this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.     
  1. As a condition of employment, employees must abide by the terms of this policy and must notify D&D Decorators, Inc. in writing of any conviction of a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring outside of the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction.     


D&D Decorators offers resource information on various means of employee assistance in our community, including but not limited to drug and alcohol abuse programs. Employees are encouraged to use this resource file, which is located on www.dndcompany.com under the employee drop down menu. In addition, we will distribute this information to employees for their confidential use.     


An employee reporting to work visibly impaired will be deemed unable to properly perform required duties and will not be allowed to work. If possible, the employee’s supervisor will first seek another supervisor’s opinion to confirm the employee’s status. Next the supervisor will consult privately with the employee to determine the cause of the observation, including whether substance abuse has occurred. If, in the opinion of the supervisor, the employee is considered impaired, the employee will be sent home or to a medical facility by taxi or other safe transportation alternative – depending on the determination of the observed impairment – and accompanied by the supervisor or another employee if necessary. A drug test will be in order. An impaired employee will not be allowed to drive.     


Employees and job applicants who have a positive confirmed test result may explain or contest the result to D&D Decorators within two (2) working days after D&D Decorators  contacts the employee or job applicant and shows him/her the positive test result as it was received from the laboratory in writing.     


The confidentiality of any information received by the employer through a substance abuse testing program shall be maintained, except as otherwise provided by law.     


All job applicants at D&D Decorators MAY undergo testing for the presence of illegal drugs as a condition of employment. Any applicant with a confirmed positive test will be denied employment. Applicants will be required to submit voluntarily to a urinalysis test at a laboratory chosen by D&D Decorators, and by signing the consent agreement will release D&D Decorators from liability. If the physician, official, or lab personnel have reasonable suspicion to believe that the job applicant has tampered with the specimen, the applicant will not be considered for employment. D&D Decorators will not discriminate against applicants for employment because of a past history of drug abuse. It is the current abuse of drugs, preventing employees from performing their job properly, that D&D Decorators will not tolerate. Individuals who have failed a pre-employment test may initiate another inquiry with D&D Decorators after a period of not shorter than six (6) months; but they must present themselves drug-free as demonstrated by urinalysis or other test selected by D&D Decorators.     


D&D Decorators has adopted testing practices to identify employees who use illegal drugs on or off the job or who abuse alcohol on the job. It shall be a condition of employment for all employees to submit to substance abuse testing under the following circumstances:     

A. When there is reasonable suspicion to believe that an employee is using illegal drugs or abusing alcohol. “Reasonable suspicion” is based on a belief that an employee is using or has used drugs or alcohol in violation of the employer’s policy drawn from specific objective and articulable facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts in light of experience. Among other things, such facts and inferences may be based upon, but not limited to, the following:    1. Observable phenomena while at work such as direct observation of substance abuse or of the physical symptoms or manifestations of being impaired due to substance abuse; 2. Abnormal conduct or erratic behavior while at work or a significant deterioration in work performance;     

  1. A report of substance abuse provided by a reliable and credible source;     
  1. Evidence that an individual has tampered with any substance abuse test during his or her employment with the current employer;     
  1. Information that an employee has caused or contributed to an accident while at work; or     
  1. Evidence that an employee has used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred drugs while working or while on the employer’s premises or while operating the employer’s vehicle, machinery, or equipment.     
  1. When employees have caused or contributed to an on-the-job injury that resulted in a loss of work time, which means any period of time during which an employee stops performing the normal duties of employment and leaves the place of employment to seek care from a licensed medical provider. D&D Decorators may also send employees for a substance abuse test if they are involved in on-the-job accidents where personal injury or damage to D&D Decorators property occurs.     
  1. As part of a follow-up program to treatment for drug abuse when an employee has involuntarily entered a rehabilitation program because of a positive confirmed test result. The frequency of such testing shall be a minimum of at least once a year after completion of the rehabilitation program. Advance notice of testing shall not be given to the employee.     
  1. When a substance abuse test is conducted as part of a routine employee fitness for duty medical examination that is part of the employer’s established policy, or that is scheduled routinely for all members of an employment classification or group.     
  1. Subject to applicable law, D&D Decorators reserves the right to require its employees to present themselves for random, unannounced testing. D&D Decorators will adopt an objective procedure to randomly select employees to be tested.  Upon anonymous selection, D&D Decorators will notify the employee(s) to report immediately for drug testing. D&D Decorators solely determines the time and frequency of random drug tests.     

Any employee may be selected for random testing in accordance with state/local laws. An employee could be randomly selected for testing more than once a year.       


An employee who is under the influence of alcoholic beverages at any time while on D&D Decorators business or at any time during the hours between the beginning and ending of the employee’s work day, whether on duty or not and whether on D&D Decorators, Inc. business or property or not, shall be guilty of misconduct and is subject to discipline up to and including termination. An employee shall be determined to be under the influence of alcohol if the employee’s normal faculties are impaired due to the consumption of alcohol, or if the employee has a blood alcohol level of .05 or higher.     


Due to recent changes to the laws in some states, D&D Decorators will not terminate employees who test positive for marijuana use with exceptions. The use of marijuana during work hours is prohibited and D&D Decorators reserves the right to test any employee suspected of using marijuana during work hours. If an employee is suspected of being under the influence of marijuana at any time during business hours or while they are in a company vehicle, the employee will be tested for marijuana in their system. Failing such test will include disciplinary action such as unpaid time off, proof of treatment for marijuana addiction and up to termination.     

Failure to submit to a substance abuse test also is misconduct and shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination. It is the responsibility of D&D Decorators’ supervisors to counsel employees whenever they see changes in performance or behavior that suggest an employee has a drug problem. Although it is not the supervisor’s job to diagnose personal problems, the supervisor should encourage such employees to seek help and advise them about available resources for getting help. Everyone shares responsibility for maintaining a safe work environment, and co-workers should encourage anyone who has a drug problem to  seek help. The goal of this policy is to balance our respect for individuals with the need to maintain a safe, productive, and drug-free environment. The intent of this policy is to offer a helping hand to those who need it, while sending a clear message that the use of illegal drugs, and the abuse of alcohol are incompatible with employment at D&D Decorators, Inc.     

Smoke-Free Workplace     

Smoking is not allowed in D&D Decorators buildings or work areas at any time.     

“Smoking” includes the use of any tobacco products (including chewing tobacco), electronic smoking devices, and e-cigarettes.     

Smoking is only permitted during break times in designated outdoor areas. Employees using these areas are expected to dispose of any smoking debris safely and properly.     

Workplace Violence Prevention     

D&D Decorators, Inc. is committed to providing a safe, violence-free workplace for our employees. Due to this commitment, we discourage employees from engaging in any physical confrontation with a violent or potentially violent individual or from behaving in a threatening or violent manner. Threats, threatening language, or any other acts of aggression of violence made toward or by any employee will not be tolerated. A threat may include any verbal or physical harassment or abuse, attempts to intimidate others, menacing gestures, stalking, or any other hostile, aggressive, and/or destructive actions taken for the purposes of intimidation. This policy covers any violent or potentially violent behavior that occurs in the workplace or at D&D Decorators-sponsored functions.     

All D&D Decorators, Inc. employees bear the responsibility of keeping our work environment free from violence or potential violence. Any employee who witnesses or is the recipient of violent behavior should promptly inform their supervisor, manager, or the Human Resources Department. All threats will be promptly investigated. No employee will be subject to retaliation, intimidation, or discipline as a result of reporting a threat in good faith under this guideline.     

Any individual engaging in violence against D&D Decorators, its employees, or its property will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. All acts will be investigated, and the appropriate action will be taken. Any such act or threatening behavior may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.      

D&D Decorators, Inc. prohibits the possession of weapons on its property at all times, including our parking lots or D&D Decorators vehicles. Additionally, while on duty, employees may not carry a weapon of any type. Weapons include, but are not limited to, handguns, rifles, automatic weapons, and knives that can be used as weapons (excluding pocketknives, utility knives, and other instruments that are used to open packages, cut string, and for other miscellaneous tasks), martial arts paraphernalia, stun guns, and tear gas. Any employee violating this policy is subject to discipline up to and including dismissal for the first offense.      

D&D Decorators reserves the right to inspect all belongings of employees on its premises, including packages, briefcases, purses and handbags, gym bags, lunch boxes, tool boxes and personal vehicles on D&D Decorators property.  In addition, D&D Decorators, Inc. may inspect the contents of lockers, storage areas, file cabinets, desks, and work stations at any time and may remove all  D&D Decorators property and other items that are in violation of D&D Decorators rules and policies.     

Commitment to Safety     

Our workplace safety program is a top priority at D&D Decorators. We want D&D   Decorators to be a safe and healthy place for employees, customers, and visitors. The supervisor and crew leaders are responsible for implementing, administering, monitoring, and evaluating the safety program. A successful safety program depends on everyone being alert and committed to safety.     

We regularly communicate in different ways with employees about workplace safety and health issues. These communications may include supervisor-employee meetings, bulletin board postings, memos, or other written communications. Employees and supervisors receive workplace safety training. The training covers possible safety and health hazards as well as safe work practices and procedures to eliminate or reduce hazards.     

You are expected to obey all safety rules and be careful at work. You must immediately report any unsafe condition to your immediate supervisor and/or management, and if necessary, to the President. If you violate D&D Decorators’ safety standards, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Violations include causing a hazardous or dangerous situation, not reporting a hazardous or dangerous situation, and not correcting a problem even though you could have corrected it.     

It is very important that you tell your immediate supervisor and/or the Human Resources Department immediately about any accident that causes an injury, no matter how minor it might seem at the time. When you report it quickly, we can investigate the accident promptly; follow the laws, and start insurance and worker’s compensation processing.     

If required, certain safety equipment will be provided for particular jobs. This equipment will be signed for by the employee and replaced at the employee’s expense if the equipment is lost, damaged, or stolen. Replacement will be provided if the equipment is shown to be defective.     

Protecting the safety of our employees and visitors is the most important aspect of running our business. All employees have the opportunity and responsibility to contribute to a safe work environment by using commonsense rules and safe practices and by notifying management when any health or safety issues are present. All employees are encouraged to partner with management to ensure maximum safety for all.      

In the event of an emergency, notify the appropriate emergency personnel by dialing 911 to activate the medical emergency services.     

Reporting Injuries and Accidents     

    When any accident, injury, or illness occurs while an employee is at work, it MUST be reported to the Foreman and/or Supervisor as soon as possible regardless of the nature or severity. D&D Decorators will provide the proper forms for reporting job-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses.     

    In the event of a vehicular accident involving a D&D Decorators-owned or leased vehicle or while on D&D Decorators business, the employee must report all information immediately to the Field Supervisor and/or the office. In no instance should responsibility for an accident be expressed to anyone until the proper person in D&D Decorators has been notified and permission has been obtained to make a statement.     

Energy Preservation & Waste Prevention      

    Waste of energy and materials is costly to D&D Decorators and ultimately results in losses, which, must be paid for by other cost reduction actions. Employees are expected to:     

  • Conserve energy at every opportunity by keeping thermostats in moderate ranges,     

i.e. 75 degrees in the summer and 70 degrees in the winter;     

  • Change filters regularly      
  • Drive within posted speed limits     

Hazardous Wastes     

    The Environmental Protection Agency has grouped certain chemicals and chemical groups into categories which have been defined as toxic. This means that in concentrated forms or by accumulating and combining with other chemicals (even in the air) these chemicals can be hazardous to human health if exposure occurs.     

    From time to time in the normal course of their jobs, employees may handle materials, which have been classified as hazardous by the standards of the Occupational Safety and Health     

Act (OSHA) regulations. Hazardous materials that are received from our suppliers should have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) or labels, which state the chemical ingredients of the contents, precautions to take, and what to do if exposure occurs. Employees will be instructed on how to control hazardous wastes and what to do if they are exposed to hazardous wastes.   If any employee suspects that the materials or wastes he/she may encounter as an employee are hazardous, whether or not they are created or used by D&D Decorators), he/she should inform their immediate Supervisor immediately.      

    At D&D Decorators, we are committed to not creating or disposing of hazardous wastes, which will contaminate the environment. Whenever possible, we will choose materials which have been judged as non-hazardous and will properly dispose of hazardous materials if used.  Also, we will not knowingly dump any wastes into the environment at any time.      


    All doors, files, desks, gates, and any other equipment with locks must be kept locked securely when not in direct use and at the end of each day. Locks should be checked regularly. D&D Decorators vehicles should be kept locked at all times when not in use. Lost keys must be reported to the Office immediately. Any concerns about security should be addressed with the President.      

Emergency Closings     

There may be times when emergencies, such as severe weather, fires, power failures, or earthquakes, disrupt normal business operations at D&D Decorators. When we are officially  closed due to emergency conditions, you will not be paid for the time off. However, you may request to use any available paid time off you have, such as vacation.     

D&D Decorators, Inc. will always make every attempt to be open for business. In situations in which some employees are concerned about their safety, management may advise supervisors to notify their departments that the office is not officially closed, but anyone may choose to leave the office or work site if he or she feels uncomfortable.     

If the office or work site is officially closed during the course of the day to permit employees to leave early, nonexempt employees who are working on-site as of the time of the closing will be paid for a full day. If you leave earlier than the official closing time, you will be paid only for actual hours worked, or you can take PTO time. Exempt employees will be paid for a normal full day but are expected to complete their work at another time.     

Use of Equipment and Vehicles     

Equipment and vehicles essential in accomplishing your job duties are expensive and may be difficult to replace. When you use D&D Decorators’ property, you should be careful, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating instructions, safety standards, and guidelines. Only employees with a valid driver’s license are allowed to operate D&D Decorators owned vehicles.     

Tell your supervisor if any equipment, machines, tools, or vehicles appear to be damaged, defective, or need repair. When you promptly report damages, defects, and the need for repairs, you can prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury to employees or other people.     

See D&D Decorators’ mechanic and/or Supervisor if you have questions about your responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment or vehicles you use on the job. The improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment or vehicles, as well as excessive or avoidable traffic and parking violations, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Additionally, below are specific policies pertaining to D&D Decorators owned/leased vehicles:     

  • D&D Decorators-owned/leased vehicles will be driven only as needed for jobs during working hours.     
  • D&D Decorators-owned/leased vehicles will not be driven for private use unless specific arrangements have been made in advance with the President.     
  • Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs/chemicals will not be allowed in a D&D Decorators vehicle at any time.     
  • No driver who has been drinking alcoholic beverages or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be allowed to drive a D&D Decorators-owned/leased vehicle.     
  • Vehicles must be kept clean (interior and exterior) at all times and thoroughly washed at least once a week.     
  • Vehicles must be properly maintained according to the manufacturer’s schedule and mechanic’s orders.     
  • Any employee who misuses a D&D Decorators-owned/leased vehicle will be subject to dismissal.     
  • Any damage to a D&D Decorators-owned/leased vehicle caused by employee carelessness or misjudgment is the responsibility of the employee. This includes insurance deductibles.      

Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) Inquiry     

Employees may be expected to drive D&D Decorators vehicles and must provide D&D Decorators with current and acceptable motor vehicle driving information. Employment and/or assignment will be conditional pending receipt of a satisfactory report from the Department of Motor Vehicles.     

Visitors in the Workplace     

Only visitors who are properly authorized may be on D&D Decorators’ premises or on the premises of our customers. This helps to maintain safety standards, safeguard employee and customer welfare, protect our property and facilities, guard confidential information against theft, and reduce potential distractions and disturbances.      

Because of safety and security reasons, we ask that you discourage family and friends from visiting you at work. If you do have a visitor, we will ask you to meet that person outside of your work area. If you have visitors, you are responsible for their conduct and to watch out for their safety. If you see an unauthorized person at work, notify your supervisor and the President immediately.     

Workplace Guidelines     

Employment Applications      

All candidates for employment must fill out an applicant packet. All forms in the packet must be filled out completely. A resume will not be accepted in lieu of a complete applicant packet. We rely on the accuracy of the information you put on your employment application. We also expect that you and your references give accurate and true information during the hiring process and employment. If we find that any information is misleading, false, or was left out on purpose, we may reject an applicant from further consideration. If the person was already hired, it could result in termination of employment.      

Employee Medical Examinations     

At D&D Decorators we may require that some employees have a medical examination.  The exam is to help make sure you can perform your duties. Sometimes we may require current  employees to take medical examinations to make sure they are fit for work. If we ask you to take  an exam, we will schedule it for a reasonable time and frequency and we will pay for it.     

We keep any medical information separate from your other personnel information to protect your privacy. Also, only people who have a legitimate need to know may see medical information.     

Continuous Service Date     

So that D&D Decorators can maintain records of the benefits for each employee, a continuous service date will be established for each full-time employee. The continuous service date will be the employee’s first full day of employment and will continue uninterrupted as long as he/she remains a full-time employee of D&D Decorators, Inc. If an employee is terminated for any reason and returns at a later date to begin employment again, the employee continuous service date will start over. The President reserves the right to modify a restart date on an individual basis but is highly unlikely to do so.    

Job Descriptions     

We try to have accurate job descriptions for all jobs at D&D Decorators. A job description includes the following sections: job information; job summary (gives a general overview of the job’s purpose); essential duties and responsibilities; measurements and standards; the tools that will be used; qualifications (includes education and/or experience, language skills, mathematical skills, reasoning ability, and any certification required); physical demands; and work environment.     

We use the job descriptions to help new employees understand their jobs and their responsibilities. We also use job descriptions to identify the requirements of a job, set up the hiring criteria, set standards for employee performance evaluations, and establish a basis for making reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities.     

Management prepares a job description when a new job is created. We review existing job descriptions and change them accordingly. You can help by making sure that your job description is accurate and describes your job duties.     

Your job description does not necessarily cover every task or duty that you might be assigned. You may be assigned additional responsibilities as necessary. If you have questions or concerns about your job description, contact the supervisor.     

Pay Rate Schedule (Non-Exempt)     

D&D Decorators has established certain pay rate schedules for non-exempt employees based upon work classifications. The length of time employed in a classification is only a general guideline and being employed by D&D Decorators for a particular period of time does not necessarily mean an automatic promotion.     

Personal Tools     

    Employees who work in certain trade positions are required to provide their own tools to perform job assignments. During Orientation employees will be advised of the tools required and will make sure that each employee obtains the required tools. D&D Decorators discourages employees from lending or borrowing tools.      

Personnel Data Changes     

It is important that D&D Decorators have certain personal information about you in our records. You need to tell us as soon as there is a change to your mailing address, telephone numbers, marital status, dependents’ information, educational accomplishments, and other possibly related information. We also need to have information about who to contact in case of an emergency. Should any of the following information change, please contact the Human Resources Director within 5 days:     

  • Name     
  • Address     
  • Home telephone number     
  • Marital status     
  • Number of dependents     
  • Emergency telephone number     
  • Person to notify in case if emergency     
  • Change of beneficiary     
  • Driving record     
  • Authorized payroll deductions     
  • Additional education and special training courses     

Introductory Period      

    D&D Decorators has an introductory period for new employees. During the introductory period, we will evaluate your work habits and abilities to make sure that you can perform your job satisfactorily. The introductory period also gives you time to decide if the new job meets your expectations.      

Since your employment with D&D Decorators is voluntary and at will, you may terminate your employment at any time during or after the introductory period, with or without cause or advance notice. Likewise, D&D Decorators also may terminate your employment at any time during or after the introductory period, with or without cause or advance notice.     

The introductory period for all new and rehired employees is the first 90 calendar days after their hire date. If you are absent for a significant amount of time during your introductory period, the length of the absence will automatically extend the introductory period. We may also extend the introductory period if we decide it was not long enough to evaluate your performance.    

This could happen either during or at the end of the introductory period.     

When employees satisfactorily complete the introductory period, they are assigned to their employment classification.      

During the introductory period, new employees are eligible for those benefits that are required by law, such as Social Security and workers’ compensation insurance. They may also be eligible for other D&D Decorators benefit programs, subject to the terms and conditions of each benefit program. Be sure to review the information for each benefits program to see the exact requirements.     


    Following the acceptance of employment, the office staff will conduct an unpaid orientation before employee starts work. This orientation will include going over job responsibilities and expectations of particular position the employee was hired on for as well as a walk-thru tour to explain normal business operations and functions. Additionally, a copy of D&D Decorators, Inc. Handbook will be provided and available to the employee to read and also sign receipts of understanding for certain D&D Decorators policies.      


D&D Decorators, Inc. places great value on promoting from within D&D Decorators. We want employees to have the opportunity to move into higher paying positions within D&D Decorators. Promotions will be based on quality and quantity of work, previous performance evaluations, experience, educational background, attendance record, safety record and the ability to work with others. D&D Decorators, Inc reserves the right to seek candidates from outside D&D Decorators to fill positions that we feel cannot be properly filled from within D&D Decorators.     


All employees are expected to arrive on time, ready to work, every day they are scheduled to work. If unable to arrive at work on time, or if an employee will be absent for an entire day, the employee must call the office phone before 7:00 a.m. If no one answers, leave a detailed voicemail so Admins can get the information to the Production Manager for scheduling purposes.      

Unplanned absences can disrupt work, inconvenience other employees, and affect productivity. If you have a poor attendance record or excessive lateness, you may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. Any employee who fails to maintain an acceptable attendance record will be subject to disciplinary action.  Unexcused absence or tardiness will affect future promotions and/or raises. If any employee is absent from work for 2 consecutive days without informing management, it will be assumed that the employee resigned and employment will be terminated as of the last day worked by the employee. Any absence must be verified by an independent third party to be considered excused (i.e. a doctor’s note, court summons, etc.) All other absences will be considered unexcused.     

Following are descriptions of disciplinary actions that will result from unexcused absence within any 90-day period:     

               1st Offense  Verbal reprimand with written notice to employee’s personnel file     

            2nd Offense Written notice (copy to employee’s personnel file)    

            3rd Offense Suspension for up to 3 working day(s) without pay with management review     

               4th Offense  Subject to termination after management review     

Tardiness applies to returning from lunch and/or break periods as well as the beginning of the workday.  The following describes the disciplinary actions that will result from tardiness within any 90-day period:     

1st Offense Verbal reprimand with written notice to employee’s personnel file                         

2nd Offense Verbal reprimand with written notice to employee’s personnel file                        3rd Offense    Suspension for up to 3 working day(s) without pay    

            4th Offense    Suspension for up to 10 working day(s) without pay up to termination     

The Office staff will record all daily absences. The Office staff will then pull the personnel file of the absentee and will determine if the absence is Excused or Unexcused and if the offense is 1st, 2nd, etc. The Office staff will notify the appropriate Supervisor to initiate the reprimand. The Office management, the Supervisor and the absentee will attend a counseling session as soon as possible.     

Report-In Pay      

    In the event that an employee is told to report for work and weather or other circumstance prevents work for that day, the employee will be paid for one hour of show-up time.     

Job Performance     

Communication between employees and supervisors or managers is very important. Discussions regarding job performance are ongoing and often informal. We encourage you and your supervisor and/or foreman to discuss job performance and goals on an informal, day-to-day basis. A formal written performance evaluation will be done at the end of the introductory period after you are first hired at D&D Decorators. In addition, you, your foreman, and supervisor will have formal performance evaluations to discuss your work and goals, to identify and correct weaknesses, and to encourage and recognize your strengths.      

Performance evaluations are usually done every 12 months at the end of the calendar. These performance evaluations are called the PDP (Performance and Development Plan). They are based on your job description given to you at the beginning of your employment with D&D Decorators. We may give merit-based pay adjustments to some employees to recognize truly superior employee performance, and who also have completed the training program requirements of their particular position.      

Outside Employment     

Employees are permitted to work a second job as long as it does not interfere with their job performance with D&D Decorators, Inc. Employees with a second job are expected to work their assigned schedules. A second job will not be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel, or refusal to work overtime or different hours.      

If outside work activity causes or contributes to job-related problems, it must be discontinued, or the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.     

Uniforms and Personal Appearance      

Uniforms: Supervisory, Management, Sales personnel and painting production staff are provided with 4 T-shirts and 4 pants after 30 days, which will be worn at work. Also, matching shorts, pants, and work boots or work  shoes will be worn. Employees are responsible for the cleaning of their uniforms.   

Personal appearance means how you dress, how neat you are, and your personal cleanliness standards. Your personal appearance can influence what customers and visitors think about D&D Decorators. Personal appearance can also impact the morale of your co-workers.     

During business hours or whenever you represent D&D Decorators, you should be clean, well groomed, and wear appropriate clothes. This is particularly important if your job involves dealing with customers or visitors in person.     

If your supervisor finds that your personal appearance is inappropriate, you will be asked to leave work and return properly dressed and groomed. If you are asked to leave, you will not be paid for the time you are away from work. See your supervisor if you are not sure about the correct clothing standards for your job.     

Where necessary, D&D Decorators may make a reasonable accommodation to this policy for a person with a disability.      

The following examples should help you understand the D&D Decorators personal appearance guidelines:     

  • Shoes must provide safe, secure footing, and offer protection against hazards.     
  • Canvas or athletic type shoes are allowed on most residential jobs. Work boots are required on commercial jobs and any large residential jobs that require them.     
  • Painter’s whites are to be worn by all painting personnel. White pants and a clean tee shirt are acceptable.      
  • Tank tops may be worn only with supervisor’s permission. * Tube or halter tops may not be worn.     
  • Mustaches and beards must be clean, well-trimmed, and neat.     
  • Hairstyles are expected to be in good taste.     
  • Unnaturally colored hair and extreme hairstyles, such as spiked hair, do not present an appropriate professional appearance.     
  • Long hairstyles should be worn with hair pulled back off the face and neck to avoid interfering with job performance.     
  • Offensive body odor and poor personal hygiene is not professionally acceptable.     
  • Perfume, cologne, and aftershave lotion should be used moderately or avoided altogether, as some individuals may be sensitive to strong fragrances.     
  • Jewelry is not allowed ever.     
  • Facial jewelry, such as eyebrow rings, nose rings, lip rings, and tongue studs, is not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours.     
  • Earrings are not professionally appropriate and must not be worn during business hours. * Torso body piercings with visible jewelry or jewelry that can be seen through or under clothing must not be worn during business hours.   * Visible tattoos above the collar are not permitted.       

The use of profanity is strictly forbidden. We have received multiple complaints from some of our best customers who have threatened to not use us anymore due to the way we conduct ourselves and our appearance. These two problems should be easily corrected.    

Our customers are satisfied with the quality of our work and our ability to get things done on schedule. Please correct any problems you have with your attire or language so we won’t have to.      

Family Emergencies     

    In the event the office receives word of an emergency related to a member of an employee’s family, the employee will be notified as soon as possible. Should the employee be at a location away from his/her normal workplace, arrangements will be made to contact the employee, and if necessary, arrange for the employee to return home immediately.  Nonemergency calls from the family or friends are prohibited.       

Social Media Acceptable Use     

D&D Decorators, Inc. encourages employees to share information with co-workers and with those outside D&D Decorators for the purposes of gathering information, generating new ideas, and learning from the work of others. Social media provide inexpensive, informal, and timely ways to participate in an exchange of ideas and information. However, information posted on a website is available to the public and, therefore, D&D Decorators has established the following guidelines for employee participation in social media.     

Note: As used in this policy, “social media” refers to blogs, forums, and social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, and SnapChat, among others.     

Off-duty use of social media. Employees may maintain personal websites or weblogs on their own time using their own facilities. Employees must ensure that social media activity does not interfere with their work. In general, D&D Decorators considers social media activities to be personal endeavors, and employees may use them to express their thoughts or promote their ideas.     

On-duty use of social media. Employees may engage in social media activity during work time provided it is directly related to their work, approved by their manager, and does not identify or reference D&D Decorators clients, customers, or vendors without express permission. D&D Decorators monitors employee use of D&D Decorators computers and the Internet, including employee blogging and social networking activity.     

Respect. Demonstrate respect for the dignity of D&D Decorators, its owners, its customers, its vendors, and its employees. A social media site is a public place, and employees should avoid inappropriate comments. For example, employees should not divulge D&D  Decorators, Inc. confidential information such as trade secrets, client lists, or information restricted from disclosure by law on social media sites.  Similarly, employees should not engage in harassing or discriminatory behavior that targets other employees or individuals because of their protected class status or make defamatory comments.  Even if a message is posted anonymously, it may be possible to trace it back to the sender.     

Post disclaimers. If an employee identifies himself or herself as a D&D Decorators employee or discusses matters related to D&D Decorators on a social media site, the site must include a disclaimer on the front page stating that it does not express the views of D&D  

Decorators and that the employee is expressing only his or her personal views. For example:    “The views expressed on this website/Weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.” Place the disclaimer in a prominent position and repeat it for each  posting expressing an opinion related to D&D Decorators or D&D Decorators’ business. Employees must keep in mind that if they post information on a social media site that is in violation of D&D Decorators policy and/or federal, state, or local law, the disclaimer will not shield them from disciplinary action.      

Competition. Employees should not use a social media to criticize D&D Decorators’ competition and should not use it to compete with D&D Decorators.     

Confidentiality. Do not identify or reference D&D Decorators clients, customers, or vendors without express permission. Employees may write about their jobs in general but may not disclose any confidential or proprietary information. For examples of confidential information, please refer to the confidentiality policy. When in doubt, ask before publishing.     

New ideas. Please remember that new ideas related to work or D&D Decorators’ business belong to D&D Decorators. Do not post them on a social media site without D&D Decorators’ permission.     

Links. Employees may provide a link from a social media site to D&D Decorators’ website during employment (subject to discontinuance at D&D Decorators’ sole discretion). Employees should contact the Web design group to obtain the graphic for links to D&D Decorators’ site and to register the site with D&D Decorators.     

Trademarks and copyrights. Do not use D&D Decorators’ or others’ trademarks on a social media site, or reproduce D&D Decorators’ or others’ material without first obtaining permission. Avoid statements about D&D Decorators’ future. Writing about projected growth, sales and profits, future products or services, or marketing plans may violate Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules or other applicable laws.     

Legal. Employees are expected to comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines, copyright, trademark, and harassment laws.     

D&D Decorators restrictions. D&D Decorators may require that employees temporarily confine social media commentary to topics unrelated to D&D Decorators or that employees temporarily suspend such activity to ensure compliance with the SEC’s regulations or other laws. D&D Decorators may also require employees to delete references to it on a website or web blog and to stop identifying themselves as an employee of D&D Decorators.     

Discipline. Violations of this policy may result in discipline up to and including immediate termination of employment.     

Note: Nothing in this policy is meant to, nor should it be interpreted to, in any way limit your rights under any applicable federal, state, or local laws, including your rights under the National Labor Relations Act to engage in protected concerted activities with other employees to improve or discuss terms and conditions of employment, such as wages, working conditions, and benefits.     

Bulletin Boards     

All required governmental postings are posted on the boards located in the back employee entrance. These boards may also contain general announcements. Employees may submit to management notices of general interest, such as for-sale notices; recreational-type announcements and/or club functions (e-mail should not be used for the aforementioned);  postcards; expressions of gratitude or sympathy; and notices looking for/offering carpools, tickets, roommates, or pets. Human Resources approves, posts, and takes down all notices. All notices posted by employees will be removed after 2 weeks unless otherwise stipulated.  D&D    

Decorators reserves the right to refuse permission to post or to take down any announcement.      


Employees should be able to work in an environment that is free from unnecessary annoyances and interference with their work. In order to protect our employees and visitors, solicitation by employees is strictly prohibited while either the employee being solicited or the employee doing the soliciting is on “working time.” “Working time” is defined as time during which an employee is not at a meal, on break, or on the premises immediately before or after his or her shift.      

Employees are also prohibited from distributing written materials, handbills, or any other type of literature on working time and, at all times, in “working areas,” which includes all office areas. “Working areas” do not include break rooms, parking lots, or common areas shared by employees during nonworking time.      

Nonemployees may not trespass or solicit or distribute materials anywhere on D&D Decorators property at any time.     

Computers, Internet, Email, and Other Resources     

D&D Decorators provides a wide variety of communication tools and resources to employees for use in running day-to-day business activities. Whether it is the telephone, voice mail, fax, scanner, Internet, intranet, e-mail, text messaging, two-way radios, or any other D&D Decorators-provided technology, use should be reserved for business-related matters during working hours. All communication using these tools should be handled in a professional and respectful manner.      

All use of D&D Decorators-provided communications systems, including e-mail and internet use, should conform to our D&D Decorators guidelines/policies, including but not limited to the Equal Opportunity, Harassment, Confidential Information, and Conflicts of Interest. So, for example, employees should not engage in harassing or discriminatory behavior that targets other employees or individuals because of their protected class status or make defamatory comments. Similarly, employees should not divulge confidential information such as trade secrets, client lists, or information restricted from disclosure by law on social media sites.      

Because e-mail, telephone and voice mail, and internet communication equipment are provided for D&D Decorators business purposes and are critical to D&D Decorators’ success, your communications may be accessed without further notice by the President or office administrators to ensure compliance with this guideline. The electronic communication systems are not secure and may allow inadvertent disclosure, accidental transmission to third parties, etc.    

Sensitive information should not be sent via unsecured electronic means.     

Office telephones are for business purposes. While D&D Decorators recognizes that some personal calls are necessary, these should be kept as brief as possible and to a minimum. Personal use of D&D Decorators’ cell phones, long-distance account, or toll-free numbers is strictly prohibited. Abuse of these privileges is subject to corrective action up to and including  termination.     

D&D Decorators reserves the right to monitor customer calls to ensure employees abide by D&D Decorators quality guidelines and provide appropriate levels of customer service. Employees working in sales and customer service will be subject to telephone monitoring and email. Should the subject matter of any telephone conversation become personal while monitoring is taking place, monitoring of the call will immediately be discontinued.         

Nothing in this policy is designed to interfere with, restrain, or prevent employee communications regarding wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of employment as protected under the National Labor Relations Act.  Employees have the right to engage in or refrain from such activities.     

Cell Phone Policy:     

  1. Purpose: The purpose of this policy limiting the use of cell phones and other communication devices at work is to protect you. Inappropriate use of communication devices at work can cause injuries because it is distracting and may interfere with their proper and safe use of equipment and machinery. Devices and head phones or wireless ear pieces may also get tangled in machinery or interfere with the proper use of personal protective equipment.     
  1. Devices Covered: The devices covered in this policy include cell phones, smart phones, mobile phones, two-way radios, or other wireless devices, whether owned by D&D Decorators or the individual worker (collectively referred to as “Devices”).     
  1. Persons Covered: This policy applies to workers, contractors, consultants, temporary workers, and other workers at this D&D Decorators, including all personnel affiliated with third-parties working at D&D Decorators facilities.     
  1. Activities Covered: The rules set out in this Policy apply to all work-related activities, including but not limited to driving to and from work and to conduct job-related activities, whether such vehicles are owned by D&D Decorators or the worker. The Policy applies to all conversations whether personal or business-related.     
  1. Prohibited Uses     

a.    General: While in the workplace during work hours, workers are expected to focus on work and may not inappropriately use any Device in the workplace for any inappropriate purposes, including but not limited to:     

  • Engaging in personal conversations     
  • Playing games     
  • Social media     
  • Surfing the internet     
  • Checking email     
  • Sending or receiving text messages     

b.    Driving: While operating a vehicle, workers may not answer a communication device unless and until they pull over in a safe spot (or let a passenger answer the call). If it is urgent, workers may accept or return the call provided they remain parked off the roadway. They may not resume driving until their conversation is over. Workers may not make outgoing calls while driving. If workers need to place a call, they must first pull off to a safe spot.     

  1. Permitted uses: Workers may use Devices while they are not working during designated times (before work, after work, during lunch, etc.). Use of hands-free devices while driving is permissible.     
  1. Violations: Workers who violate this Policy will be subject to disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal, depending on the circumstances.     

Disciplinary Procedure     

This policy describes the policy for administering fair and consistent discipline for unsatisfactory conduct at D&D Decorators. We believe it is important to make sure that all employees are treated fairly and that disciplinary actions are prompt, consistent, and impartial. The major purpose of a disciplinary action is to correct the problem, prevent it from happening again, and prepare the employee for satisfactory performance in the future.      

Although your employment is based on mutual consent and both you and D&D Decorators have the right to terminate employment at will, with or without cause or advance notice, D&D Decorators may use progressive discipline at its discretion.     

Disciplinary action may be any of the following four steps:     

  1. verbal warning     
  1. written warning     
  1. suspension with or without pay, or  4) termination of employment.     

We will look at how severe the problem is and how often it has happened when deciding which step to take. There may be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed.     

In very serious situations, some types of employee problems may justify either a suspension, or, in extreme situations, termination of employment, without going through the usual progressive discipline steps.      

You should also look at the Employee Conduct and Work Rules policy in this handbook. That policy lists examples of unacceptable conduct that might result in immediate suspension or termination of employment. However, some of the examples of unsatisfactory conduct listed may result in the progressive discipline process described above instead of immediate suspension or termination. By using progressive discipline, we hope that most employee problems can be corrected at an early stage, benefiting both the employee and D&D Decorators.     

Dispute Resolution     

D&D Decorators, Inc. believes in open communication. If an employee has a suggestion or concern, management wants to know about it. In most cases, an employee will be able to resolve issues by discussing them with his/her immediate supervisor. For disputes that cannot be resolved informally between the employee and his/her immediate supervisor, the following procedure has been established to insure a fair and impartial review. All disputes will be given prompt and objective consideration in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation. Time periods specified may be extended at the discretion of the manager reviewing a particular dispute if the manager decides more time is needed to complete the investigation.     

  • The employee must present his/her dispute to the Office manager who will make a thorough inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the case. The Office manager will make every  effort to resolve the matter promptly and fairly within two working days from receipt of the dispute.     
  • If the employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the Office manager, the employee may submit a written report to the President within five working days of receiving the decision of the Office manager. If further review is required, the President will conduct the appropriate investigations and hearings and advise the employee of the findings and any change in the previous decision in writing. Regardless of time limits established, no disputes will be accepted after an employee has been terminated from employment.     
  • At any time within ten working days following the receipt by the employee of the decision reached by the President, the employee may submit a written request for further review of his/her dispute to the President of D&D Decorators, Inc. The previous findings will be reviewed and a final decision made by the President.     

Salary Administration     

We have a salary administration program at D&D Decorators. The salary administration program helps us have consistent pay practices, comply with federal and state laws, support our commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity, and offer competitive salaries within our labor market.     

We are committed to paying equitable wages that are based on the requirements and responsibilities of each job. We also try to pay wages that are comparable to the wages paid to employees in similar jobs in other organizations in the area.     

Compensation for each job is based on several factors. The factors include the essential duties and responsibilities of the job, and salary survey data (how other employers pay their employees). We periodically review our salary administration program and change it as necessary.      

We may give merit-based pay adjustments to some employees to recognize superior employee performance. These adjustments are based on a number of factors including the information documented by the formal performance evaluations and training program files.     

If you have a question about compensation in your area or for your job, talk with your supervisor. If you have a question about our salary administration, contact the Human Resource Director.     

Transfer of Employees     

Transfer of employees from department to another or from one location to another may be made to meet D&D Decorators requirements. A request for transfer will be made in writing and submitted to the President for consideration. If management determines the transfer is in the best of D&D Decorators, the transfer will be granted.     

Travel Expenses     

All business travel must be approved by the President in advance. D&D Decorators will pay for $125.00 per diem for each night spent in a hotel to employees working on assignment away from their normal work location $35 per day for meals. Each employee will be responsible for acquiring his/her own room. However D&D office staff will assist in location and arranging a room. D&D will assign an even number of people to the job so that double bunking will be possible. Management understands that credit card are required to rent rooms. We will attempt to assign people who do have credit cards for out of town projects. If we cannot properly man the job with credit card holders, we will pay per diem with prepaid credit cards so that employees can rent rooms.   

Pay Advances     

D&D Decorators does not give pay advances on unearned wages to employees.     

Family/Medical Leave     

    In general, an employee who has completed at least twelve (12) months of continuous service with D&D Decorators, Inc. and performed at least 1,250 hours of service in the prior 12month period is eligible to receive an unpaid family/medical leave in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA). The following provisions apply with regard to the family/medical leave policy for D&D Decorators, Inc.:     

  • Family/medical leave may be taken only if it is made necessary due to one of the following reasons:     
  • Within twelve (12) months of the birth of a child of the employee in order to care for the child;     
  • Within twelve (12) months of the placement of a child with the employee in connection with adoption or foster fare in order to care for the child;     
  • A serious health condition of the employee’s child, parent, or spouse; o A serious health condition of the employee, which prevents him/her from performing the essential functions of his/her job.     
  • In no instance does the federal law require D&D Decorators to grant more than a total of twelve (12) weeks of unpaid leave in any consecutive twelve (12) month period.     
  • If an employee and his/her spouse both work for D&D Decorators, Inc., they would be eligible for a single twelve (12) week period which they can split between them.  

However, if the need for leave is for their own serious health condition or that of their spouse or child, each would be eligible for a total of twelve (12) weeks.     

  • Any leave granted to an eligible employee under this law because of a serious health condition of a family member may be taken consecutively or intermittently depending on the legitimate needs of the employee.     
  • The employee must make a reasonable effort to schedule such leave so as not to disrupt D&D Decorators’ business operations.     
  • Any leave granted due to the birth or adoption of a child must be taken consecutively unless otherwise agreed to by D&D Decorators and must be completed within one (1) year of the adoption or birth.     
  • During the leave, the employer will maintain the employee’s health care coverage under the same conditions, as coverage would be provided if the employee were continuously employed during the entire leave period. Both the employer and the employee will be responsible for payment of their share of the premium during the leave period.   Additionally, this rule will only be valid when and if D&D Decorators enrolls in a health care insurance program again.     
  • Eligible employees must provide reasonable prior notice to D&D Decorators when requesting a leave of absence under the law. D&D Decorators may require an employee to provide certification issued by a licensed health care provider in order to ensure that the employee meets the eligibility requirements.      
  • D&D Decorators is not required to comply with the FMLA to the extent an employee is among the highest paid 10% of employees of D&D Decorators within a 75-mile radius of  any worksite if D&D Decorators can show that granting the leave would cause   

substantial and grievous economic injury to its operations.     

Military Leave     

   It is D&D Decorators policy to grant a leave of absence without pay to employees who participate in the U.S. Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard training programs in accordance with the provisions of the Universal Military Training and Service Act.      

Jury Duty/Court Appearance     

D&D Decorators supports employees in their civic duty to serve on a jury. Employees must present any summons to jury duty to the Human Resource Department as soon as possible after receiving the notice to allow advance planning for an employee’s absence.     

Nonexempt employees will be paid for up to 2 weeks of jury duty service at their regular rate of pay minus any compensation received from the court for the period of service. Exempt employees are subject to the same 2-week limitation except that they will also receive pay for any days they serve as a juror or witness in a workweek in which they actually perform work.   All employees may use any accrued time off if required to serve more than 2 weeks on a jury.      

If an employee is released from jury duty after 4 hours or less of service, he or she must report to work for the remainder of that work day.       

Time for appearance in court for personal business will be the individual employee’s responsibility. Normally, personal days or vacation days will be used for this purpose.      

Time Off for Voting     

D&D Decorators, Inc. recognizes that voting is a right and privilege of being a citizen of the United States and encourages employees to exercise their right to vote.  In almost all cases, you will have sufficient time outside working hours to vote. If for any reason you think this won’t be the case, contact your supervisor to discuss scheduling accommodations.      Starting July 1, 2023, Georgia’s voting leave law—which applies to employers of all sizes—will be expanded to allow employees to take time off to vote on the day of an election or on any in-person early voting day. Employers will also need to provide voting leave regardless of an employee’s work schedule. (Previously, employers only had to provide leave if an employee didn’t have two hours to vote before or after work while the polls were open.)     

Time off to vote can be limited to two hours and be unpaid, though exempt employees can’t have their pay reduced for the absence. Voting leave must be made available for any municipal, county, state, or federal election, including primaries.     

Employee Benefits     

D&D Decorators gives eligible employees many benefits. Some benefits are required by law and cover all employees. The legally required benefits include Social Security, workers’ compensation, and unemployment insurance.     

There are several factors that decide if you are eligible for a benefit. One important factor is your employment classification. See the Human Resources Director to find out which benefit programs you are eligible for.   This employee handbook contains policies describing many of the benefit programs.     

Sometimes a policy will tell you that there is more information in another place such as the Summary Plan Document.     

The following benefit programs are available to eligible employees:     

  • Simple IRA Retirement Plan      
  • Bereavement Leave      
  • Holiday Pay     
  • Vacation Benefits      

You may have to pay part or all of the cost for some benefits but D&D Decorators fully pays for many of them. We calculate that the benefits we give to a regular full-time employee cost us approximately 25 percent of the employee’s pay. When you think about your total pay at D&D Decorators, be sure to also count how much we pay toward your benefits.     


D&D Decorators observes and allows time off with pay for eligible employees and  following holidays:     

  • New Year’s Day     
  • Independence Day     
  • Thanksgiving Day     
  • Christmas Day     

Holiday pay will not be paid for holidays that fall on Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Eligible employees will be paid for holiday time off. If you are eligible, your holiday pay will be calculated at your straight-time pay rate as of that holiday multiplied by 10 hours.     

Employees in the following employment classifications are eligible for holiday time off with pay once they have completed one full benefit year in one of these classifications:     

  • Regular full-time employees      

If you are eligible for paid holidays, you must also work both the last scheduled work day immediately before the holiday and the first scheduled day immediately after the holiday. If eligible nonexempt employees work on a recognized holiday, they will receive holiday pay plus their wages at their straight-time rate for the hours they worked on the holiday.  We do not count holiday paid time off as hours worked when calculating overtime.     

Religious observances.  Employees who need time off to observe religious practices or holidays not already scheduled by D&D Decorators should speak with the Office manager.  Depending upon business needs, the employee may be able to work on a day that is normally observed as a holiday and then take time off for another religious day.  Employees may take vacation time or take off unpaid days.  D&D Decorators will seek to reasonably accommodate individuals’ religious observances.     


D&D Decorators offers vacation time off with pay to eligible employees. Employees in the following employment classifications are eligible for paid vacation time:     

 * Regular full-time employees      

The amount of paid vacation time you receive each year depends on how long you have been working. This is the schedule for accruing vacation:     

  • For the first year of continuous employment, each employee earns 4 days of vacation in the following year.      
  • For the third year of continuous employment, each employee earns 6 days of vacation in the following year.      
  • For five years of continuous employment, each employee earns 8 days of vacation in the  following year.       
  • For ten years of continuous employment, each employee earns 12 days of vacation in the following year.      

We calculate the length of your eligible service on the basis of a “benefit year.” A     

“benefit year” is the 12-month period that begins when you start earning vacation time. The “benefit year” begins on the year following your employment anniversary date. Your benefit year may be extended for any significant leave of absence except military leave of absence. (Military leaves do not affect the benefit year calculation.) See the leave of absence policies in this handbook for information on how each type of leave effects vacation accruals.     

Once you enter an eligible employment classification, you begin to earn paid vacation time according to the schedule in this policy. You can use earned vacation time in the year after it is accrued.     

You may not take less than one day vacation at a time. To schedule your vacation time, you should first ask for advance approval from your supervisor. Each request will be reviewed based on a number of factors, including our business needs and staffing requirements. A two week notice is required.      

You will be paid for vacation time off at your base pay rate as of the time of the vacation. Vacation pay does not include overtime or any special forms of compensation such as incentives, commissions, bonuses, or shift differentials.     

We encourage you to use your available paid vacation time for rest and relaxation. If you do not use your available vacation by the end of a benefit year, you will lose the unused vacation time.     

If your employment terminates, you will be paid for any unused vacation time that has been earned through your last day of work. However, if D&D Decorators, in its sole discretion, terminates your employment for cause, you may lose any remaining unused vacation and will not be paid for it.     

Vacation time must be taken in at least one day increments. Observed holidays that fall during vacation will be considered a paid holiday and not vacation time. Employees must work the regularly scheduled workdays before and after the paid vacation period to be eligible to receive vacation pay unless vacation was already scheduled and approved. One day of vacation pay equals 10 hours wages. In the event D&D Decorators falls on hardship, vacation will be suspended until recovery.      

Bereavement Leave     

D&D Decorators provides bereavement leave to employees who need to take time off because an immediate family member died. To ask for bereavement leave, see the Office manager. Employees in the following employment classifications are eligible for up to 3 days of bereavement leave with pay:     

* Regular full-time employees     

While you are on a paid bereavement leave, you will get your base pay rate but you will not get any special forms of pay, such as incentives, commissions, bonuses, or shift differentials. We normally will give you bereavement leave unless there are business reasons that require you be at work. With the President’s approval, you can use any available paid leave benefits you have, such as vacation, if you need more time off. For bereavement leave, “immediate family” means  your spouse, parent, child, brother, or sister; your spouse’s parent/grandparents, child, brother, or sister.     

Simple IRA Retirement Plan     

Every full-time employee who has been employed with D&D Decorators, Inc. for a minimum of one-year continued employment is eligible for this benefit. Specified dollar amounts will be deducted from your check every week and sent to the brokerage firm of Edward Jones on your behalf. At the end of the calendar year D&D Decorators, Inc. will pay into your account the amount you invested in that year OR 3% of your annual salary, whichever is less. The maximum amount any employee can invest is $13,000 per year. However, if you are over the age of 50, you are able to invest a maximum of $16,000 per year. If you wish to change the amount of your deduction, you must do so before January 1st. Changes will go into effect on January 1st of the following year.     

Workers’ Compensation Insurance     

D&D Decorators provides a comprehensive workers’ compensation insurance program to our employees. This program does not cost you anything.     

The workers’ compensation program covers injuries or illnesses that might happen during the course of your employment that require medical, surgical, or hospital treatment. Subject to legal requirements, workers’ compensation insurance begins after a short waiting period, or if you are hospitalized, the benefits begin immediately.     

It is very important that you tell the Human Resources Director immediately about any work-related injury or illness, regardless of how minor it might seem at the time. Prompt reporting helps to make sure that you qualify for coverage as quickly as possible and let us investigate the matter promptly.      

Workers’ compensation covers only work-related injuries and illnesses. Neither D&D Decorators nor its insurance carrier will pay workers’ compensation benefits for injuries that might happen if you voluntarily participate in an off-duty recreational, social, or athletic activity that we might sponsor.     

Employee Apprenticeship/Training Program     

    D&D Decorators, Inc. is committed to promoting inside D&D Decorators. Our   Apprenticeship/Training Program is designed with you in mind. It’s our desire to help you to become the best you can be and positively enhance your career. Information regarding the program can be found by on our website www.dndcompany.com under the employee heading. Certain milestones in the program are used for advancement and pay increases. Please take advantage of this unique opportunity not easily found in the painting industry.      


I hereby acknowledge receipt of the employee handbook of D&D Decorators, Inc. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to read and comply with the policies in the handbook.     

I understand that the handbook and all other written and oral materials provided to me are intended for informational purposes only. Neither it, D&D Decorators practices, nor other communications create an employment contract or term. I understand that the policies and benefits, both in the handbook and those communicated to me in any other fashion, are subject to interpretation, review, removal, and change by management at any time without notice.     

I further understand that I am an at-will employee and that neither this document nor any other communication shall bind D&D Decorators to employ me now or hereafter and that my employment may be terminated by me or D&D Decorators without reason at any time. I understand that no representative of D&D Decorators has any authority to enter into any agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to assure any other personnel action or to assure any benefits or terms or conditions of employment, or make any agreement contrary to the foregoing.     

I also understand and agree that this agreement may not be modified orally and that only the president of D&D Decorators may make a commitment for employment. I also understand that if such an agreement is made, it must be in writing and signed by the president of D&D Decorators.     

_____________________________________  Employee’s Name in Print     

_____________________________________  Signature of Employee     

_______________________  Date Signed by Employee     


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